Glaucoma surgery and treatments

There are a range of possible treatments for Glaucoma, depending on the severity of disease progression. Treatments aim to reduce eye pressure by aiding fluid to drain from the eye. Physicians decide which treatment is best for a patient’s individual condition.

Traditional treatment options


Traditional treatment options to delay glaucoma progression have significant limitations:

Eye drops
  • Usually a non-invasive, safe, first treatment option
  • Lack of patient compliance due to forgetfulness, difficulty instilling drops, cost, or side-effects (eg. dry eye) affects efficacy ¹ ²
  • Drops may lose efficacy over time requiring additional drops or more invasive treatment
Laser treatment
  • Laser trabeculoplasty are a safe option used early in treatment, which can eliminate drops and delay the need for invasive surgery
  • Treatment may need to be repeated over time as efficacy wanes ³
  • Drops may need to be added to increase efficacy
Invasive surgery
  • Invasive solutions, such as trabeculectomy or shunts, are effective offering up to 50% IOP reduction
  • They may cause serious, irreversible complications affecting eye structure ⁴
  • Invasive surgery requires significant recovery time and follow-up to manage the bleb

As a result, traditional treatment options may involve costly ongoing management and/or re-interventions.



New Minimally-Invasive Bleb Surgery (MIBS) devices can have fewer complications than traditional invasive surgery, but may still require significant follow-ups to manage the bleb.





MINIject on finger with STAR material

Minimally-Invasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS)

MIGS devices are widely considered the future of glaucoma treatment. 5

  • MIGS devices are the smallest eye implants ever used
  • The procedure is less invasive using an ab interno approach through a small corneal incision
  • MIGS devices are known for their safety





The MINIject® supraciliary MIGS addresses the limitations of traditional treatment by offering a minimally-invasive option that is safe, highly-effective and is sustained over time. 6


MINIject® is only available for sale in the European Union, the UK and Switzerland.

1 Ferreras A, Figus M, Fogagnolo P, Iester M, Frezzotti P. Managing Side Effects on Ocular Surface Caused by Glaucoma Eye Drops. Curr Med Chem. 2019;26(22):4223-4224.
2 Rees G, Leong O, Crowston JG, Lamoureux EL. Intentional and unintentional nonadherence to ocular hypotensive treatment in patients with glaucoma. Ophthalmology. 2010 May;117(5):903-8.
3 Chi SC, Kang YN, Hwang DK, Liu CJ. Selective laser trabeculoplasty versus medication for open-angle glaucoma: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials. Br J Ophthalmol. 2020 Nov;104(11):1500-1507.
4 Baker ND, Barnebey HS, Moster MR, Ab-Externo MicroShunt versus Trabeculectomy in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma. Ophthalmology 2021;128:1710-1721; Grover DS, Flynn WJ, Bashford KP. Performance and Safety of a New Ab Interno Gelatin Stent in Refractory Glaucoma at 12 Months. Am J Ophthalmol 2017;183:25–36
5 Market Scope, “2021 Glaucoma Surgical Device Market Report”, July 2021
6 Denis P, Hirneiß C, Durr GM, et al. “Two-year outcomes of the MINIject drainage system for uncontrolled glaucoma from the STAR-I first-in-human trial”. Br J Ophthalmol 2020;0:1–6

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